Minggu, 09 September 2012

dialogexample'question tag'

Diposting oleh RizkaLidyaa's. di 08.09

(when the students are break, lilis, hanifah, feti, and yoga are talking together. Suddenly, Rizka come and give something)
Rizka                : Hi friends, I will give the letter about my birthday invitation. This is for you for you for you and for you
Lilis, hanifah,   : Thank you very much Rizka
Yoga and feti
Lilis                  : when the party will be held Rizka?
Rizka                : Tomorrow night
Feti                  : you will invite all students in our SMA, won’t you?
Rizka                : No, maybe I just invite my close friend
Hanifah            : Ok, I think I can come to your birthday party, how about you yoga, feti and lilis?
Yoga                : I think I can, but I will come late, because I must go to hospital first
Feti                  : Of course i will come, all for you Rizka
Rizka,lilis          : You are so sweet Feti …
Hanifah, yoga
Lilis                  : but, I think…
Hanifah            : why? You don’t have tie for coming, Do you?
Lilis                  : Because, I have the others plans
Feti                  : Yoga,who is sick?
Yoga                : My grandmother
Feti, lilis           : we hope your grandmother will be cure
Yoga                : Thanks all
Rizka                : Ok nevermind, but I hope you can come to my party
( Suddenly, the bell is ringing the students must enter the class)
Feti                  : The bel was ringing we must enter the class
Rizka, lilis         : ok, lets go
Hanifah, yoga

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