Minggu, 04 September 2016


Diposting oleh RizkaLidyaa's. di 21.40 0 komentar

Halitosis  merupakan masalah yang biasa dan dapat terjadi di setiap kalangan usia. Sekitar 1 dari 4 orang diduga menderta Halitosis. Terdapat beberapa hal yang menyebabkan seseorang menderita Halitosis. Higiene yang buruk merupakan penyebab utama terjadinya Halitosis. Bakteri yang berkembang di dalam mulut, dapat memproduksi pasien sehingga dapat menimbulkan bau pada nafas. Bakteri yang terdapat di dalam mulut berperan untuk memecah makanan dan dapat menimbulkan bau, makanan yang terperangkap diantara gigi (diduga akibat proses membersihkan mulut yang kurang) dapat menyebabkan bau yang tidak sedap dalam mulut. Timbulnya bau pada mulut dapat juga sebagai tanda adanya infeksi pada gusi. Beberapa makanan yang dapat menimbulkan bau pada mulut adalah makanan yang sangat dibumbui, bawang merah, bawang putih, rokok, dan alkohol. Kadang-kadang, Halitosis juga dapat terjadi akibat adanya infeksi atau akibat pengobatan tertentu.

Bagaimana cara MENCEGAH dan MENANGANI Halitosis?
Meningkatkan kebersihan mulut merupakan upaya yang cukup dalam mengobati Halitosis dan mencegah untuk kembali terjadi. Beberapa cara yang dapat dilakukan :
-    1. Sikat gigi dan gusi secara teratur
S 2. Sikat lidah secara teratur
-    3. Membersihkan rongga-rongga antar gigi

Kapan kita perlu mencari NASIHAT MEDIS ?
Beberapa tips yang dapat dilakukan jika anda memerlukan tindakan atau nasihat medis karena menderita Halitosis?
-1.Mencari dokter gigi, ahli kebersihan gigi, terapis gigi 
 2.Mengunjungi dokter (karena munculnya bau mulut atau Halitosis bisa saja merupakan indikasi adanya infeksi)
-3.Jangan mencoba mencari cara untuk menyembunyikan bau mulut anda, karena hal ini akan mempersulit dokter atau ahli dalam mencari penyebab.

Bagaimana cara mengecek diri kita menderita HALITOSIS ?
Mungkin diawal akan terasa sulit untuk mengecek apakah diri kita menderita Halitosis atau tidak, mungkin orang lain akan lebih peka terlebih dahulu, namun sungkan untuk berbicara pada Anda.

TIPS !!!
Cara simple untuk mengecek adanya Halitosis atau tidak adalah dengan menjilat pergelangan tangan anda bagian dalam dengan lidah bagian bawah atau belakang, setelah air liur mongering, anda dapat mencium bau atau tidaknya pergelangan anda, hasil tersebut merupakan gambaran bau nafas anda.

Referensi :
NHS. 2016. Bad Breath (Halitosis). [online] Retrieved from : http://www.nhs.uk/conditions/Bad-breath/Pages/Introduction.aspx on 5nd Sep 2016.

Manfaat “BERJALAN” bagi Kesehatan

Diposting oleh RizkaLidyaa's. di 11.39 0 komentar
                 Belakangan ini, tren penyakit tidak menular yang berkaitan dengan gaya hidup terus meningkat, diantaranya obesitas, penyakit jantung coroner (PJK), stroke, dan diabetes mellitus. Salah satu faktor risiko meningkatnya PTM di seluruh belahan dunia adalah akibat dari kurangnya aktivitas fisik. Salah satu bentuk aktivitas fisik yang terkadang masih kurang diperhatikan adalah “berjalan”.
               “Berjalan” merupakan bentuk aktifitas fisik yang paling mudah dan murah untuk dilakukan, beberapa alasannya adalah tidak memerlukan keterampilan khusus seperti bentuk olahraga lainnya, tidak memerlukan waktu yang banyak, dan tentunya merupakan bentuk aktifitas fisik yang tidak mengeluarkan biaya sepeserpun. Meskipun demikian aktifitas fisik “berjalan” mengalami penurunanan dalam hal diminati oleh masyarakat, di US proporsi anak-anak usia sekolah dengan berjalan atau mengendarai sepeda menurun dari 49% (1969) menjadi 13% (2009) sedangkan di UK proporsi anak-anak yang berjalan menurun dari 62% (1969) 50% (2009).
                Aktifitas fisik yang inadekuat diperkerikan dapat menyebabkan 5.3 juta kematian per tahun. Berjalan dapat membantu mencegah kenaikan berat badan dalam jangka waktu panjang. Bahkan, berjalan dengan tempo yang lambat dapat membantu membakar kalori sebanyak 114 kalori per mil untuk seseorang dengan berat badan (BB) sebesar 91 kg. 

Cara untuk membakar kalori yang terbakar karena aktivitas “berjalan”
1.       Jalan lambat (kecepatan 2 mil per jam) à kalikan berat badan anda dengan 0.49
2.       Jalan cepat (kecepatan 3.5 mil per jam) à kalikan berat badan anda dengan 0.57 
   Keterangan : 1 mil = 1.609,344 m

                Berdasarkan studi, aktivitas “berjalan” dapat menurunkan risiko kematian. Sebuah studi menyebutkan bahwa dengan berjalan 2.5 jam setiap minggu (sekitar 12.2 km) dapat menurunkan 19% persen risiko kematian. Rekomendasi aktivitas “berjalan” bagi umur dewasa adalah 30 menit setiap hari minimal dilaksanakan 5 kali dalam seminggu. Sebuah studi yang menggunakan sampel sebanyak 400.000 orang menemukan dengan berjalan selama 15 menit (moderate exercise seperti berjalan cepat) dapat menaikkan usia harapan hidup sebanyak 3 tahun. Setiap penambahan 15 menitt setiap hari maka dapat mengurangi risiko kematian sebanyak 4%.

Referensi :  
C3 Collaborating for Health. 2012. The Benefits of Regular Walking for Health, Well Being, and The Environment. London : Christine Hancock. [online] Retrieved from : http://www.c3health.org/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/C3-report-on-walking-v-1-20120911.pdf
on Sep 2nd 2016.

Selasa, 23 Juni 2015


Diposting oleh RizkaLidyaa's. di 00.34 0 komentar
In this chapter i want to share about my experiences when OBM (Orientasi Belajar Mahasiswa) in the University of Indonesia ...

i will explain by point so keep enjoy to read this :))

There's 5 fact that almost every x-senior high school student will fell it :

1. Feel afraid (-)
WHY ??
because almost student had thought that OBM is part of greating 'Maba' (mahasiswa baru) by giving hard lesson, give some question, and to show their skills and the time to prove that we are worthy in here. So, almost everyone feel afraid and worried because thet think that their new friends are smarter, cleverer, more beautiful, more rich, and other. which can make down. (this is frequently happend on student who are from region).
2. This is the time to find new friend, new bestfriend, or even new boy/girlfriend.
i ensure that almost everyone have agree to this point especially in the last words (this is frequent happend for single man/lady,right? Ok.forget it.)
this is true that in the OBM you can find so much friends. The interesting point that you can find some friends from various faculty, there are FISIP, FMPIA, FT, FK, FKM, FEB, FH, FIK, FF, FIA, FPSI, FIB, FASILKOM. So, this time to know how the differences among them. Because every faculty has unique behaviour. In a chance you can also know them, introducing each other, and even 'modus time' hihi. Fortunately, you can also meet some actrist in OBM. So, you can ask to them to selfie together, lunch together, or learn together. So it's can be amaze moment for you !

3. This is the time you can visit every part of UI
Not only faculty. but you also can visit library, mosque, and other facilities. WARNING !!! be careful when you get the schedule and your OBM's room, that's not as easy as you have think. because UI is a complex and wide area. So, that's not a strange moment if you have strayed away when find building or room. this is happend in some first days, that's also can make you be late and UNFORTUNATELY if you are in unlucky day, you are student in the class whom killer lecturer is there. So becareful ! and for the solution you can find friends in the same room, so if you are reproval from the lecuturer, your friend also unlucky as you :D

4. This is the time that you can feel the differences between learn in School and University
Be calm down, OBM isn't an scary moment. But they can make us to know what the differences between learn in school and university, how the learn methode, how the uniform we can use, how the rules in the university, how you can adapt yourself in university, how you can do your task well-done, and other interest lessons.

5. You can collect your best photo and update your social media !!
yes. i know almost everyone now like selfie *i dont know it's true or not* especially in the place that their like, their favourite, and they dream. University of Indonesia is a dream for new comer student, they feel interest and very happy if they can take some picture in some place that they like. There are 2 place that almost student want to take picture in there :

- library.
I ensure this is favourite place for every student. Usually with caption : "@LibraryUI. that's the biggest library in asean which have 8 floors."

- in front of faculty
every faculty in University of Indonesia are display in a great and big words. So, almost student want to take this picture in there. because they can tell their friends in social media or other silenty, if they are now can get their dream, they are happy in there, and they are luck to be a part of that.

-The buildings cortyard (rektorat)
this is favourite place. Because it's one identity of UI. have big, and tall buildings. this is beautiful buildings! but there's some mythic story in there hihi 

there are so much interest place, but now i just can explain two place which is always there on UI Student's handphone....

that's my experiences...
keep enjoy for OBM
and, i want to give a congratulations for new comers !!!

Jumat, 19 Juni 2015

Just because HOPE and BELIEVE

Diposting oleh RizkaLidyaa's. di 21.56 0 komentar

i was so lucky be a student in here, University of Indonesia
that's a biggest, beautiful, and credibility University. i'm so grateful to God who had given me a chance to study in here. But, now i'm in problem...
that's a conflict between my dreams and the real...
that's just only a choice
the reason why i choose still fail to make me sure for that
i face every term with my skill, with my parent's motive, with my own spirit
but once, twice, or even everyday i receive any sugestion about what i should do
i'm still...
still imagine, remind, and always believe in my dream...

i always try to speak with myself, ask, and mused why i'm in here...

i know all of decision have made by Allah
i know Allah will not make bad decision

i believe it
and i also believe
i'm here because of Allah
because Allah have beautiful plan for me which still i can't understand

i also hope...
i hope and always pray Allah will give me a chance
to be Medicine Student

but, who know happend in future ??? No, No one can.
Eventhough human have insting, can predict, but anything can happend.

No one may despair before she do
Just because we have two wings which can bring us to reach a dream..

because there's hope and believe ..
in our deep heart

just because we have it, we feel it
'TAWAKAL'  for every dreams, and wishes

we can't break the doubt ... we can do the best to take the future

Minggu, 15 Februari 2015

My holiday in TERM 1

Diposting oleh RizkaLidyaa's. di 15.14 0 komentar

My holiday was about one month long and the first thing i wanted to do is meet together with my family in Banten, and then meet up with my best friend, my classmate, and my old friend because i really miss them so much. In my first week, i spend my holiday in my grandmother’s house and my aunt’s house in Depok. My big family was gathered in my grandma’s house and we ate so much food that we like such as chocolate bananas, donuts, meatball, spaghetti, mixed fruite ice dessert, ‘uduk rice’, ‘mendoan’,  and other, and i also played with my cousin,we bicycled together everyday. In the second week i came back to my home in Banten, i really happy about it and i was spend my holiday in there. Abuot 5  days i just stay at home with my mother, my brother, and also my lovely cat. I was spend my first week with cooking together with my mother, play ‘congklak’ and ‘monopoly’ with my brother and also played together with my cat and fed them 3 times everyday. At home i always shared my story with my family especially my mother about everthing that i feel and story about my first year in campus. At usual, i sleep alone in my bedroom but when the holiday i was slept together with my family in television room. It was unforgettable moment. In third week, i spend my holiday in Bandung with my family, we wanted to visit my brother who is studying in Telkom University. In Bandung, we stayed in ibis braga hotel about 2 days, and in the night we went to BIP mall for watching a movie ‘Night at Museum 2’ , it was awesome movie. The last day in Bandung we spend our holiday in Dago city for culinary tour to eat typical food from Bandung  that we like. In last week, i spend my holiday with some activity in community of University Indonesia student from Banten called FORKOMA, we did some big event such as Roadshow to every senior high school in Banten, Tryout, and Success camp. It was very busy activity but i enjoyed it.
It was a memorable and wonderful holiday ...


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